About Ann Oakley
Ann Oakley leads a variety of lives as a writer, a university professor, a feminist and a grandmother. In the 1970s she published pioneering studies of gender, housework and motherhood which helped to establish a new genre of work on the position of women. In the 1980s came an acclaimed autobiography, Taking it Like a Woman, and a novel, The Men’s Room, which was serialised on BBC television. Her more recent work has included a biography of her parents, Man and Wife, a history of social science methodology, Experiments in Knowing, a wide-ranging analysis of Gender on Planet Earth and a personal testimony about the body and identity, Fracture. Her work has always sought to challenge boundaries and create new forms. The biography of Barbara Wootton is no exception. In telling the story of this remarkable woman’s life, Ann Oakley joins the threads of personal and professional narratives. Barbara Wootton’s experiences and enormous contribution to our understanding of pressing social issues are part of a larger story about the expansion of women’s lives in the twentieth century, and about the reframing of politics, knowledge and public policy. For enquires about Ann Oakley’s academic work contact The Social Science Research Unit, The Institute of Education, 18 Woburn Square, London WC1H ONR. Phone +44 (0) 20 7612 6391. www.ioe.ac.uk/ssru You can find Ann Oakley’s personal website at www.annoakley.co.uk For enquiries about Ann Oakley’s literary works contact Rachel Calder, The Sayle Literary Agency, 1 Peterfield, Cambridge CB1 1BB. +44 (0) 1223 303035. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it